Friday, February 7, 2014

aaaaaaaand, we're back

A lot of important stuff has happened in past few years: Bin Laden was captured and eliminated, Leah Remini left Scientology, Kimyae birthed a VERY famous baby girl and named her North (?), aaaaand America discovered kale.

Ive done a fair amount of personal reflection over these years.  Not too much, but enough to feel dark inside about Yoshi's lack of follow through.  Sorry world.

In years passing I have uncovered much knowledge about living green.  Here are some topics you can look forward to:

  • Beauty - what you SHOULDN'T put on your lips, and other related problems.
  • Gardening- bringing your plants back from the white light
  • Food -  and its health benefits.
  • People - the sustainable kind and their lifestyles. 

Here is the deal, you are made from nature. So, bring your life closer to it and increase your happiness. Be like a tree (old and stoic).